Name:  Ann Wells
  1. What do you do for a living?

Before I became a Mom, I updated criminal records for expungements and background checks for the state of Utah. It was always great to see what some people you went to high school with were now doing. Since then I’ve been a Domestic Engineer for my 5 little Minions.

  1. Tell us your story of how you came to do CrossFit and how long have you been doing it (at 1976 and/or others)?

I actually first attempted CrossFit back in 2013 (it wasn’t at 1976), my first time I went I had a coach at my side helping me. The next time I went the coach had injured herself, she didn’t have another coach to rely on. She wasn’t there so she posted the workout on the board. Everyone else knew what they were doing, but I was like a tourist in a foreign country! Totally intimidated! So I never came back. Fast forward to fall on 2014, Jenny and Brian Alama told me about a box opening up in Eagle Mountain. I signed up almost the day it opened and never looked back. 2 months later I got pregnant with my 5th, but I was hooked by then so I made it a goal to keep working out during my whole pregnancy. I was hard, but really help bounce me back after my baby was born.

  1. What are some of the successes you’ve experienced?

I don’t really feel like I’m amazing at anything, but I can now dead lift my body weight and am getting so close to my kipping pull ups. But, I think the biggest success is in my marriage. Most people don’t know but after I got pregnant and before Brian started CrossFit, Brian injured himself and hadn’t found a workout program he could do. I was sick and pregnant, not really able to do much at home. We were both depressed and hating life, just in a funk and both not fun to live with. That January Brian started coming with me to Saturday morning classes and the “fog started to lift” for both of us and things got a lot better at home. Now, I don’t think we have a day go by that we don’t talk about CrossFit. And I don’t think I have a day go by where I’m not thankful for all you guys and CrossFit. It saved our marriage.

  1. What are your current goals?

I will do the happy dance when I get my kipping pulls and I’d love to clean and jerk 100 lbs. Oh, and not die at Spartan!

  1. What is your favorite movement/exercise?

Running, clean and jerk, and kettle bell swings

  1. What keeps you motivated?

My flabby belly! And my family, I want to keep up with my hubby and 5 kiddos.

  1. Any tips or advice for a CrossFit 1976 newbie?

Keep coming, and no question is a dumb question! I know, because of our awesome coaches, no one at 1976 will have a first experience like I had. They will stay by your side and make sure you get it.

  1. If you could have a super power what would it be and why?

I really wish I had a magic button (preferably the belly button) I could push to make people thin and fit. I wish it was that easy, but people wouldn’t appreciate it if it was that easy. I guess I’ll settle with flying.