Name:  Ashlee Beeks
  1. What do you do for a living?

Stay at home mom to some awesome boys and almost girl.

  1. Tell us your story of how you came to do CrossFit and how long have you been doing it (at 1976 and/or others)?

When my twins were about 9 months old I would go work out when it was in Jeremy’s garage but it was hit and miss and I wasn’t getting much out of it so I stopped going. A year and a half ago I started going again. Emma had been trying to get me to go for a year prior to that but what gave me the final push to go was I wasn’t happy with myself, I considered myself physically active, playing softball a few nights a week, but I wasn’t strong and I had no stamina and I hated that.

  1. What are some of the successes you’ve experienced?

I consider my biggest accomplishment to be that I’m starting to push myself through the pain of a workout and only take short breaks if I just can’t so I’m finish faster while working harder.

I can also now do RX handstand push-ups, toes to bar, and pull-ups, although I lost the ability to link them when this pregnant belly threw me off.

  1. What are your current goals?

I haven’t really had to scale anything so far for this pregnancy so I’m hoping I can continue that right up until the end of 9 months 🙂 But for real when I’m not pregnant I want to be able to link toes to bar and pulls ups again and stupid double unders.

  1. What is your favorite movement/exercise?

I like partner WOD’s and all of the agility stuff like box jumps, inverted burpees, handstand push-ups, burpees. I HATE wallballs with a passion.

  1. What keeps you motivated?

What has kept me going day after day is the progress and strength I see in myself, knowing I can do anything if I just set my mind to it and also my boys, it’s not easy to drag 3 hoodlums almost every morning to the gym but I know they see me…. they see me sweaty and tired but they also see me motivated, happier, active, and stronger I’ve now been coming for a year and a half. And seeing how excited Trey was to finally be old enough to start Kids Crossfit was super awesome.

  1. What has been your favorite Crossfit Experience so far?

Probably finishing the hero WOD Morrison RX in time cap. Being 18 weeks pregnant I wasn’t even planning to finish it but when you have such an awesome coach(es) that know you and how they can push you the way you need. That was a pretty amazing feeling as I collapsed to the floor.
But also it’s the comrade from everyone in classes and in competitions, the friendships that I’ve made in the 9:30 class I am grateful for.

  1. Any tips or advice for a CrossFit 1976 newbie?

You just have to stick it out the first little bit. That first month or two is rough, you hurt so bad everywhere and don’t feel like you’re making any progress. But if you can power through you’ll be able to do things you never thought you could.

  1. If you could have a super power what would it be and why?

Teleportation, then I’d never be late anywhere 🙂