Name: Channy Hixson

1. What do you do for a living?

I am currently a stay­at­home mom. I have 4 boys ages 4, 3, and 1 year old twins. Eventually I will work, but for now I am lucky enough to just be a mom.

2. Tell us your story of how you came to do CrossFit and how long have you been doing it (at 1976 and/or others)? 

Before I became pregnant with my first child I was looking for some sort of workout routine. I ordered beach body videos, we bought a stationary bike (which makes a great clothes hanger by the way), and a treadmill. I was use them every now and then, but by the time I had my second child I was desperate to find something better. I had horrible self esteem. Then my friend started posting before and after pictures of herself after doing crossfit for a year. She looked AMAZING! I asked her all about and convinced my husband to try SSCF with me. Needless to say, I was hooked! After almost a year I got pregnant with twins and had to give it up. By the time I was ready to go back, 1976 was here! I’ve been here ever since.

3. What are some of the successes you’ve experienced? 

I lost 26 lbs in my first 6 months at SSCF. I am stronger than I have ever been in my whole life. I can link kipping pull ups! Ultimately I think going everyday and not hating it is a huge success. Thinking, “this is going to suck” and going anyway, AND staying positive is a big deal for me!

4. What are your current goals? 

My biggest goal right now is to deadlift over 200 lbs. Deadlift is my biggest challenge for some reason and I am determined to fix that! My next is being able to do pistols, and after that… bar muscle ups! There are a lot of things I want to improve, but those three things are always on my mind.

5. What is your favorite movement/exercise? 

My favorite movement right now are kipping pull­up. But I like snatches and power cleans.

6. What keeps you motivated?

A couple different things. First being my kids. I like for them to see me working out every day and wanting to follow my example trying to stay active. In the age of technology we are in its hard to keep them away from electronics and keep their bodies healthy. Another thing is the way I feel if I miss a day. I feel fat and sad. I may look the same but i always feel better when I have worked out. Also, the crossfit games athletes, because yes, that’s what I want to look like!

7. Any tips or advice for a CrossFit 1976 newbie?

Even if it’s a little at a time, try to push yourself out of your comfort zone. The only reason I can do kipping pull ups is because one day I decided, what the heck! Let’s try today, probably won’t be able to, but I will try anyway. But then I did them the whole time. Completely surprised myself. Each WOD I can do a little more at a time. Also, try to stay positive. It’s always so much harder when beat myself up during the WOD. Don’t give up. It does eventually suck less.. 😉

8. If you could have a super power what would it be and why?

I would want to think of something, snap my fingers, and it would be there/done. Whether that be a pile of money, or a clean house, a new car… Anything I wanted just a finger snap away! That would be awesome.