David McMullan


Name:  David McMullan


  1. What do you do for a living?

I work as a store manager for Spring Mobile who is an authorized retailer for AT&T. We also sell DirecTV and Digital Life Home Automation so if you’re in the market… 😉

  1. Tell us your story of how you came to do CrossFit and how long have you been doing it (at 1976 and/or others)?

I’ve always struggled with my weight. On my mission to the Philippines I lost over 100 lbs. and was down to an adult lifetime low of 192lbs. When I came home I decided to go into the military. I joined the Utah Army National Guard. I remember being one of the most in shape recruits in basic training. I loved running and had a 13:01 two mile time. Fast forward several years after getting married and a couple kids later, and I was the heaviest I’d ever been. Last year about this time, I weighed 420 lbs and my blood pressure was 190/120. I had bad cellulitis in my left leg due to poor circulation, and I knew that at my current trajectory I was due for Type 2 Diabetes and a life where I would never see my 3 beautiful children grow up. The thought brings tears to my eyes as I type this. I changed my diet enough to start heading in the right direction with my health. In March of this year, after driving past the box everyday, I decided to give it a go. I remember a friend who invited me to a Crossfit WOD years ago. I enjoyed the style of training, and I’ve always liked lifting weights, but I never thought I could handle it. I emailed Jeremy and told him some of my story. I told him how I was afraid of being embarrassed and how self conscious I was. His positive and supportive leadership has, and continues, to bless me in regards to my fitness and commitment. I owe him and everyone else at the box more than you could ever imagine, because you all have saved my life. As of this morning I weigh 366lbs, and my blood pressure as of September was 145/85. Crossfit has changed everything about my life. I wake up at 5:30 5 days a week to make it to the 6:00 AM class. I constantly check my email around 8:00 PM every night to see what tomorrow’s WOD will be. For Christmas and my birthday, all I really want are things to help me perform better at the box. Crossfit has permanently changed me, and I am forever grateful for that.

  1. What are some of the successes you’ve experienced?

So far, my greatest successes have all been related to PRs. I’ve lifted more now than I ever did when I did conventional weight lifting. Deadlifting 405lbs, back squatting 365lbs, cleaning 225lbs, bench pressing 275lbs are just a few of my personal achievements that I am proud of.

  1. What are your current goals?

My goals have shifted and evolved over the last 8 months. Currently my goal is to lose as much weight as possible. I want to be able to do all the body weight exercises without any issues.

  1. What is your favorite movement/exercise?

My favorite movement is anything where I get to lift heavy weight. I’m especially a fan of Olympic lifts.

  1. What keeps you motivated?

Currently my motivation is the desire to improve day over day. Heavier lifts, higher box jumps, more double unders in a row, more time running and less time walking, finally getting a pull-up, etc. Seeing myself get faster, stronger, and overcoming previously impossible feats is what draws me to the box everyday.

  1. Any tips or advice for a CrossFit 1976 newbie?

The best tip I could give to a newbie is to stay grounded and have patience. Everyone has a goal, and some people are a lot closer to that goal than you are. Dedication and consistency are the results of having strong mental toughness, and constant, realistic expectations. Someone will ALWAYS be better than you at something, so all you should be concerned with is being better than you were yesterday. Improvement sometimes moves at a snail’s pace, but if you can run two steps more, hang on the bar for one extra second, or push yourself to do one more wall ball, then you are moving forward and that person you used to be is in the rear view mirror. You’ve conquered that part of you and you never have to see him again. You’ve killed him. Now your better self is waiting for you to catch up, all you have to do is believe and pick up the bar.

  1. If you could have a super power what would it be and why?

If I could have one super power, it would be the ability to conjure whatever I wanted from thin air. Need a pen? I got you. Forgot lunch? What kind of sandwich do you want? Want to travel? Here’s a plane. No more 45lb bars because the class is too big? Word. Kind of like Green Lantern but with less spandex…