Name: Jenna Almond

1. What do you do for a living?

Right now I have the privilege to be a stay at home mom. It is truly the best job I have ever had. I also do children/family photography on the side.

2. Tell us your story of how you came to do CrossFit and how long have you been doing it (at 1976 and/or others)?

I was somehow talked into running a Spartan race by my husband. I had recently had a baby and was in the worst shape I have ever been in and at my heaviest weight ever. I needed a way to train to survive the race, but I also wanted to change my lifestyle and gain strength and work on becoming fit. I convinced my husband to come with me to check out CrossFit 1976 one night. Jeremy had us sign waivers that night and we were suddenly committed to start the next day. I started CrossFit on April 15, 2016 so almost 6 months…I still consider myself a newbie.

3. What are some of the successes you’ve experienced?

Honestly I feel like everyday I walk in the door at the box it is a success. There are so many forces that seem to want to keep me from getting there. I come tired, with my kids, my kids scream or cry the whole time I work out, etc. I have lost my first 20 pounds and I also completed the initial Spartan race that my hubby talked me into in June. I ran another in August, and just this weekend actually completed my third race gaining my trifecta. At the box I still have to scale so much of what I do, but less and less each time.

4. What are your current goals?

My goals probably seem small to most people. I want to only do strict pushups in a WOD, climb the rope, do a pull-up, squat more than 50 pounds, and finally do a double under!!

5. What is your favorite movement/exercise?

I think my favorite movements are probably cleans, clean and jerks and box jumps right now. In all honesty it would be easier to say the things that aren’t my favorites currently.

6.What keeps you motivated?

The biggest thing that motivates me is my family. But besides being able to keep up with my kids and hubby I am motivated by all the different milestones that I have met.

7.Any tips or advice for a CrossFit 1976 newbie?

What I would tell someone just starting out is that CrossFit is not a means to an end but a lifestyle change and commitment. That weight loss in CrossFit happens differently and to not be discouraged by the lack of plummeting in the scale, but to use strength, new abilities, and even physical measurements as a new gauge of measurement. That nothing comes easily. Not to give up and to give your best efforts. And lastly to engage those glutes! (something I have been hearing a lot lately)

8.If you could have a super power what would it be and why?

If I could have a super power I would like to have super speed. Then I would be able to clean my whole house in a faction of the time and have hope to enjoy it for a few minutes before it gets destroyed again. And to also have more time to do things I love with the people I love.