Name:  Kamille Orr
  1. What do you do for a living?

I am a part-time Office manager for an electrical contractor, and more importantly a mom…to Jonah!

  1. Tell us your story of how you came to do CrossFit and how long have you been doing it (at 1976 and/or others)?

Stacey Hazard talked me into it, I have been doing CrossFit for a couple of years, I started at CrossFit 1976 for the first time in Feb. 2015

  1. What are some of the successes you’ve experienced?

I tore my ACL back in Feb. 2016 doing a snatch movement, had surgery March 2016, so my progress has been slow, and I have had a lot of setbacks in getting back to my desired fitness level, I feel like everything I can do is success because there are a lot of movements I could do before the injury that I have had to start over.

  1. What are your current goals?

My real passion is triathlon and running. I completed a Full distance Ironman in Nov. 2015, I am working to get my running back! I love Crossfit because I feel like it keeps you strong as well as trains for endurance.

  1. What is your favorite movement/exercise?

Sits up with the med ball, Farmers Carry, cleans

  1. What keeps you motivated?

I feel so much better about myself and just life in general when I am active. I love the atmosphere at Crossfit, people are so encouraging and it makes a huge difference

  1. What has been your favorite Crossfit Experience so far?

Watching my son Jonah absolutely fall in love with crossfit. It has given him a lot of confidence and everyone loves him at the box, as a mom, that is fun to see.

  1. Any tips or advice for a CrossFit 1976 newbie?

DON’T GIVE UP! When I started crossfit I was in very good shape because I did a lot of cycling, running and swimming, the movements challenged me, and definitely humbled me. I have learned so much and I am thankful that I stuck with it. My goal has never been to lift crazy amounts of weight but I have had moments where I was so frustrated with my knee, I just wanted to give up. my advice: DON’T GIVE UP. Be realistic on what your body can achieve and work towards it. Don’t compare yourself to other athletes. We are all unique and have our own story. Just keep moving forward !

  1. If you could have a super power what would it be and why?

I want to run as fast and strong as I used to, I would also like to get those darn double unders. … I believe I will get there, as long as I keep working hard.