Crossfit pic
Name: Kelli Kemp

1. What do you do for a living?

I am the administrator/instructor of an exclusive, experimental, multigrade academy designed with the purpose of enhancing genius and maximizing potential in a select group of creative individuals……or you could say I am a homeschooling mother of 4

2. Tell us your story of how you came to do CrossFit and how long have you been doing it (at 1976 and/or others)? 

I have always been active and love to camp, hike, rock climb, go 4-wheeling, and mountain biking, but I felt that I needed something else. Something completely out of my comfort zone that would shake me up a little bit and scare the crap out of me…….so I decided to try Crossfit! For the first month, I would have to sit in my car outside of the box before class began, listen to Eminem to pump myself up to even have the courage to walk through the doors. True Story! I was THAT freaked out! Oh, and I have been doing Crossfit for 5 ½ months.

3. What are some of the successes you’ve experienced? 

Well for starters, I’m not freaked out to come to class anymore! Haha! For me, the biggest success is the huge amount of confidence in myself that I have gained. It has truly been life-changing. Not just in my physical capabilities, but more importantly in how I feel I can honestly tackle anything that comes my way and I will not back down. That is a very empowering feeling! And I love it!

4. What are your current goals? 

I want to learn butterfly pull-ups, muscle-ups, link my double unders, do legless rope climbs, run farther and longer and faster, HSPUs, and handstand walks.

5. What is your favorite movement/exercise? 

I really love rope climbs, pushups, pull-ups, pistols, box jumps, and back squats. The clean and jerk is pretty fun too!

6. What keeps you motivated?

Feeling like a BadA*s everytime I work out! Haha! Who doesn’t want to feel like that?!

7. Any tips or advice for a CrossFit 1976 newbie?

It may be the hardest and scariest thing you have ever done, but don’t ever give up! You will amaze yourself at how much you can actually do!

8. If you could have a super power what would it be and why?

I just wish I could give every individual a great love and confidence in themselves. This could change the world! If we only believed how truly amazing we all really are, man, that would be sweet, wouldn’t it? If you want something in this life, go and get it. There is no reason why you shouldn’t have everything you ever wanted, so stop making up excuses. As far as I know, we only get one shot, one opportunity (I had to quote Eminem! Haha!) at this life. Fill it with awesomeness!

One of my favorite quotes:
“When you walk up to opportunity’s door, don’t knock it….
Kick that b*tch in, smile, and introduce yourself.”

I love you, 1976!