Name: Tori Kroll

1. What do you do for a living?

I have the pleasure to be a stay at home Mom to our two boys Jackson who is four and Will who just turned one! I also teach three year old preschool!

2. Tell us your story of how you came to do CrossFit and how long have you been doing it (at 1976 and/or others)? 

My husband starting doing Crossfit at 1976 about a year a go, and tried to get me to come for ever! Finally in December, I bit the bullet and came and have never turned back! So I have been coming for 7 months!

3. What are some of the successes you’ve experienced? 

When I first started I was only lifting the bar and super light weights. Now I feel like I can push myself on the weights. Also, my stamina has gone up leaps and bounds which is a blessing because now I have more energy to play with my kids and be active!

4. What are your current goals? 

My current goal right now is to get a bar muscle up! I’ve been close a couple of times, but never landed it!

5. What is your favorite movement/exercise? 

I love snatches! My favorite exercises are probably the chippers!

6. What keeps you motivated?

I have a hard time doing things outside my comfort zone so, I love the feeling I get after a WOD knowing that I have just done something super hard that I didn’t think I could do. Also my family. I want to be around for a long time and I know that a healthy lifestyle is important for that!

7. Any tips or advice for a CrossFit 1976 newbie?

I would say, to come in with out any expectations, and have fun! All you have to do is try your best! Also, don’t compare yourself to the other athletes! Everyone is at different levels, and experience at the box which is amazing because there are so many people to learn from. But we all were the newbie when we started out.

8. If you could have a super power what would it be and why?

I wish I had the super power to be a Super speedy cleaning lady, that it took me a second to do all my house jobs. Especially laundry!